Short description of secure parking spaces - Truck-SAFE Comfort

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Short description of safe bus, truck and sprinter parking spaces


Property and personal protection of car yards and rest areas for buses and trucks through video surveillance and the use of security personnel and/or police as well as cost-minimized (max. €4.00 incl. shower) accommodation and sleeping facilities, in particular for registered drivers of vans and trucks without a sleeping cabin. Cost-minimized (max. €1.50) showers for registered drivers.

Legally regulated cost determination (approx. €600.00 per year.) for all domestic and foreign, motorway-accessible commercial vehicles. These costs could be reimbursed to insurers via no-claims discounts (in 2016 alone, insurance damage caused by theft of freight amounting to 18 billion euros).

The advantages for "all" at a glance

maximum safety through:

  • Automated entry controls with transponders and license plate recognition All-round barrier with automated restriction system
  • Doorman's cabin with surveillance technology
  • Camera monitoring system with dimmable exterior lighting
  • Control flights with drones including thermal sensors (stress and aggression detection as well as detection of hazardous substances)
  • Automated registration system (also via smartphone) extended patrol service of the security forces also through adjacent residential areas

maximum cleanliness through:

  • Permanently installed sanitary modules (sleepbox *)
  • 24-hour maintenance service
  • daily cleaning service
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