Automated parking levels - Truck-SAFE Comfort

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Automated parking levels

At TruckSAFE Comfortparking, passenger cars will be used in fully automated robot-controlled parking towers in the future. The space savings compared to the original parking areas and the associated access areas are between 80 and 85%. The areas thus released can thus be converted into truck parking spaces with little effort, which leads to an increase in the capacity of truck parking spaces of at least 45%. Thus, the current problem of missing truck parking spaces could be solved without having to create additional infrastructures or without having to use additional land areas.

Automated parking systems create the highest possible parking density, with maximum space utilization, using the latest technology in development and production. In addition, the annoying search for a parking space is eliminated. The vehicle only has to be parked in the transfer cabin and the system automatically transports the vehicle to a free space within the system.

Furthermore, the individual cabins can be equipped with a charging device for electric vehicles and thus the grid expansion of electromobility can be significantly expanded.

The parking levels and the lift system are equipped with an innovative conveyor system for rearranging the vehicles on pallets in the X Y direction. This results in fully automatic parking in the XY puzzle principle on 1 to 4 parking levels for up to 50 vehicles in at least 2 rows in succession.
For small rest areas and when it should go very fast

In the following video, we show you one of our partners that there is a cost-effective, uncomplicated and very fast solution for our automated parking levels.

We plan these for the use of small rest areas and rest areas, which are only slightly frequented by cars.
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