Special - Truck-SAFE Comfort

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Background to the construction of the TruckSAFE Comfort areas


Since TruckSAFE Comfort is almost exclusively modular components, which are prefabricated according to our specifications, not only the construction times are massively reduced, but also the construction costs. Almost all expenses and costs of development are also eliminated.

All in all, the conversion measures per area are about 60 days. In addition, several areas can also be converted at the same time, especially since the conversion times can certainly be significantly reduced after a certain routine.

In addition to production costs, the underlying costs also include nationwide transport costs.

All elements for TruckSAFE are listed and available at FahrGut

The development of TruckSAFE Comfort took over 10 years and was constantly adapted to the current requirements. The development of the TruckSAFE safety system even took 21 years. In the last 7 years, TruckSAFE Comfort has been specially adapted to their requirements and conditions in coordination with the BMVI, which led to agreement with them in January 2020.

All elements listed at TruckSAFE Comfort correspond to today's development and are not visions of the future, but listed and available individually at FahrGut. This applies in particular to all construction elements, in particular to the parking cover construction as well as the accommodations and vending machines.

In addition, all TruckSAFE Comfort areas can be operated almost completely self-sufficient, as they have an integrated cascade irrigation system that simultaneously acts as sound insulation and sufficient solar panels that also act as weather protection.

In addition, all TruckSAFE Comfort areas have switchable disinfection units as well as manual and fully automatic disinfection devices, which also ensure 100% continued operation in a pandemic. Fully automatic cleaning, service, maintenance and disinfection robots ensure maximum protection for all people who are dependent on a service area operation that is as trouble-free as possible.

When adopting our TruckSAFE Comfort concept, the eligible builder (s) will receive all source data as well as two years of practical support from the innovator and conceptual designer Mr. Jörg Kibbat and a selected staff.

The advantages for "all" at a glance

maximum safety through:

  • almost completely self-sufficient system through irrigation cascades, which at the same time act as sound insulation, as well as large-scale solar panels, which at the same time act as weather protection, automated entry controls with transponders and number plate recognition All-round barrier with automated restriction system
  • Doorman's cabin with surveillance technology
  • Camera monitoring system with dimmable exterior lighting
  • Control flights with drones including thermal sensors (stress and aggression detection as well as detection of hazardous substances)
  • Automated registration system (also via smartphone) extended patrol service of the security forces also through adjacent residential areas fully digital fire protection systems incl. sprinkler system and security locks
  • switchable room-air sterilizers for all rooms and other premises. The system for cleaning & sterilizing the room air removes bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores, particulate matter & toxic gases
  • switchable personal decontamination locks. These systems disinfect via high-pressure air showers and remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and fine dust and are of course also suitable for the passage of wheelchairs and/or prams.
  • in addition, disinfection gates for buses, trucks, vans and cars can be set up at short notice and without any problems. This system also removes bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores, particulate matter & toxic elements.
  • Switchable automatic doors

maximum cleanliness and hygiene (even in a pandemic) by:

  • Permanently installed luxury modules
  • 24-hour maintenance service (automated by maintenance robot)
  • daily cleaning service (automated incl. disinfection) sensor-controlled disposable towel and soap dispenser as well as self-cleaning toilet seats sensor-controlled washing fittings self-disinfecting door handles autonomous cleaning and disinfecting robots
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